
This component is used when you need to nest other components within an Image.



ImageBackground has no specific (custom) Props, however, it supports every prop that the standard React Native ImageBackground component supports.

Style names

For all intents and purposes, the ImageBackground component behaves identically to the Image component as far as styling goes, with the exception of it not providing a way to set a borderRadius style prop, meaning that the avatar styleNames have no affect on it.

For most of the available ImageBackground style names, image dimensions are scaled depending on screen dimensions. For example, an Image with the featured style name applied will have dimensions of 365x345px (width, height respectively) on a device with a screen width of 375px. If the device’s screen width is larger, then the image dimensions will be larger than 365x345px. The same rule applies with smaller screen widths.

  • featured: width: (365 / 375) * window.width height: (345 / 375) * window.width
  • large: width: window.width height: (280 / 375) * window.width
  • large-portrait: width: window.width height: (280 / 375) * window.width
  • large-banner: width: window.width height: (200 / 375) * window.width
  • large-square: width: window.width height: window.width
  • large-wide: width: window.width height: (238 / 375) * window.width
  • large-ultra-wide: width: window.width height: (130 / 375) * window.width
  • medium: width: 145px x height: 92px
  • medium-wide: width: (180/375) height: 85px
  • medium-square: width: 145px height: 145px
  • medium-portrait: width: (209/375) height: 139px
  • small: width: 65px height: 65px


JSX declaration

      source={{ uri: '' }}
          <Title styleName="md-gutter-bottom">Gaspar Brasserie</Title>
          <Caption>185 Sutter St, San Francisco, CA 94109</Caption>
      source={{ uri: '' }}
          <Title styleName="md-gutter-bottom">Chalk Point Kitchen</Title>
          <Caption>527 Broome St, New York, NY 10013</Caption>
      source={{ uri: '' }}
          <Title styleName="md-gutter-bottom">Kyoto Amber Upper East</Title>
          <Caption>225 Mulberry St, New York, NY 10012</Caption>